Sunday, November 30, 2008

Neishaa: The Exponent

When I first met Neishaa in college, I wasn't sure if we would hit off very well. She, with her exuberant personality, was somewhat of a foil to my more reserved self. Plus, I didn't see how I could get to know her because she was always entirely too busy chatting with lover-boy.

But get to know her I did. Apart from the obvious stuff that one would notice about her such as her brown eyes, ready smile, socializing nature, liberal treating, love for being photographed, a spelling that conforms to all numerical and astrological formulae for a life full of benisons and so on and so forth, I happened to notice a lot more!

Neishaa is ebullient. She shows marked joie de vivre. She's enthusiastic and not afraid to venture into uncharted territory. She is sweet, but not cloyingly so.

More importantly, she has all the qualities of a great, great friend! She has supported me and upheld my beliefs on several occasions, positively influenced me with her pizzazz and warmed me with her presence.

Gradually, I have begun considering Neishaa a vey close friend and I hope that our friendship blooms in the next couple of months, and then stays that way for a long time!

Thanks, Neishaa for being there for me! It means a lot more to me than you realize!

Nishant: The Human Wonder

There are very few humans as adventurous and courageous as the MAN I have come to know over the past few months: Nishant.

This guy is everything nobody is. He possesses brilliant leadership qualities, a stentorian voice, an amiable personality; he is gallant, responsible and above all, CLEVER!

The recent Mumbai terror attack shook everybody. Most people lost their faith in life. But even 59 hours of terror weren't enough to make Nishant quiver in his boots.

His love for college and audacity urged him to pay his college a visit. A close encounter with death (he was at Regal Cinema when the terrorists began firing in the adjoining Leopold Cafe) wouldn't deter him.

However, not everybody is as intrepid as Nishant. He found himself quite alone in the college for very few dared to do what he did: step out of his house so soon after the terror attack.

He was greeted in college by a sepulchre silence. But it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Nishant decided to make a virtue of necessity and hone his photography skills. So, off he went, clicking away on his camera, getting shocking images across to his friends who would have given their right arm to NOT see those pics.

This stalwart, however, was far from over. He, next, dashed off to the Leopold Cafe and the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel to witness the ruin first hand.

The outcome of the terrorist attacks was the media recognizing the remarkable photography talents of Nishant and us believing that ATS might be fortuitous enough to find a future replacement for the indomitable late Mr Hemant Karkare.

I wish Nishant all the very best for his future. He has a multitude of career options ahead of him. Truly, how rare it is to meet a human wonder!