Monday, December 1, 2008

Twilight: Chimerical Drivel

Marketed as the next best thing after the Harry Potter series, Twilight has captured the interest of girls all over the world, and that of a few guys too.

The series surpassed the expectation of the author, Stephanie Meyer; made Forks, Washington, a popular tourist destination and sold 25 million copies worldwide.

But what has slipped our notice is that 20 million of the aforementioned 25 million copies were sold in the United States of America itself. The rest of the world has the vexatious habit of following the Occidental culture. It began with pre-teens and teens going ga-ga over one of the most ludicrous movies ever made: High School Mucical. It was followed by the Twilight series. And shockingly, encomia were heaped upon it!

I hold the Twilight series in very low esteem. It has obnoxious protagonists. The description of their love for each other is unpalatable.

Edward Cullen is far from the perfect boyfriend. He is overbearing and unreal.
Bella Swan is an insecure teen who sells herself far too short. Oh, and before I forget, she is obsessive and an infidel

Twilight contributes nothing whatsoever towards improving one's English. In fact, it could end up having a detrimental effect on your language skills for it is riddled with grammatical solecisms and Ms Meyers proclivity for prolixity is manifest in her superfluous use of adjectives!

Robert Pattinson (for the unitiated, he is the actor who plays the role of Edward Cullen in the recently released Twilight movie) in an interview was quoted saying certain things which upon hearing, Twilight-haters would put him on pedestal and Twilight-lovers would knock him off it...
He spoke about how the Twilight series is Stephanie Meyer's sexual fantasy. He added that he believed Ms Meyer was completely mad and in love with her fictional creation.

Twilight fans might be hasty in terming him as an ingrate. But we, the Twilight-haters, merely see him as a box-clever actor who knows a good opportunity when he sees one!

So, guys, get over this crepuscular crap and start reading books that make a little more sense than this one.


0nyx said...
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0nyx said...

It is on! *till the break of the dawn* You just gave vampirism a new turn. TWILIGHT SUCKS! Love Robert Patinson, though

Nia said...

M hurt!!! i mean ya the twilight series is over-rated bt still..their love isnt unpalatable..
bt nice writing newayz..
u sound lyk a true critic!!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done!The book is certainly not one to become hypnotized by. However some of my versatile reader friends who have read it don't completely hate it though they usually read and appreciate books with a lot more substance to it. So there you go, it is definitely NOT a great book and there are certainly better books out there.